

Corrales MainStreet is made up of a group of Corraleños and former residents who live, work and volunteer in the Village. Many also are highly involved in our community, so you may also find them giving their time and resources to other community organizations. With an Executive Director, an Assistant Director and a board of volunteers, each member is dedicated to the goal of service to the community they love.


  • Smiling woman with blonde hair wearing a black blouse

    Angela Gutierrez


    A proud HillTopper and graduate of Los Alamos High School, Angela is a home-grown New Mexican. Post high school, she attended the University of Arkansas Little Rock on a Division-One soccer scholarship. Earning a Bachelor of Arts in Human Communication Theory and Marketing, her career experience highlights sales, problem-solving, and work in the world of philanthropy. She lives in Corrales, where she and her husband are raising their children and contributing to the vitality of the village through a family-owned business. Angela joined Corrales MainStreet as a board member in 2020 and transitioned to the Executive Director position in July of 2021. She joined the organization because she believes strongly in community service and the value of volunteering.

  • Smiling person with long hair in a gray top, neutral background.

    Jessi Penrod


    Jessi Penrod moved to New Mexico in 2014 from Pinetop-Lakeside, Arizona. She received her BFA with an emphasis in ceramics at UNM in 2017, landing her a production potter position at Hanselmann Pottery in Corrales. Shortly after accepting the studio manager position, she was introduced to the arts community in the village, where she began to connect with other small businesses and volunteer organizations. Jessi’s passion for creating and supporting other artists, makers, brewers, growers and friends in Corrales’ introduced her to organizations that led to joining the Main Street Board. After serving as a board member for a year and a half, she has been thrilled to work closer with the supportive and welcoming members of MainStreet.

  • Smiling woman with glasses, wearing patterned top, sitting outdoors.

    Susan Evatt


    After “retiring” to Corrales from Philadelphia in 2011, Sue became an angel investor, entrepreneur, mentor and advisor to early stage businesses and organizations in this community. She has a broad technical and management background in nuclear power, aerospace and technology based economic development. Sue currently serves as a Director of Vara Wines and Silent Falcon UAS Technologies, both Albuquerque based startups. She is an Emeritus member New Mexico Angels board of directors, past President of the Corrales Cultural Arts Council and currently serves as President of Corrales MainStreet.

  • Elderly man in black shirt against neutral background

    Jim Kruger


    Jim has been an active member of Corrales MainStreet since 2006 when he and his wife, Patty, moved to Corrales from Santa Fe. He has served as CMS’ President, Vice President, Treasurer, and chair of the Economic Vitality Committee, Starry Night, and in a variety of other ways. Jim’s involvement in CMS is driven by a desire to contribute to the community where he lives and a desire to help the local business’ community flourish. His professional career was in commercial banking, having served as President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of three banks in New Mexico. Currently, Jim provides Financial Consulting services to his son’s business, Rio Grande Realty & Investments, LLC. Being a volunteer for non-profit community organizations has been a big part of his nature. Being a volunteer has provided him the opportunity to meet and know a wide range of people that he might not otherwise have met. Jim’s greatest accomplishment is being Preston’s Grandpa.

  • Smiling woman with long hair wearing a pink blazer and a black top, against a neutral background.

    Maureen Cook


    Maureen’s family moved to Corrales in 1983 when she was 10 years old. She earned a Finance degree at NMSU and worked at Intel Corporation for 13 years before becoming a stay-at-home mom with their 3 children; Kate, Ryan & Sara. She and her husband started a Supply Chain software company, Right Sized Inventory, in 2013 which Maureen is the owner of today, and the company is certified as a National Women’s Business Enterprise. She has been very involved in her children’s schools and she also volunteers at the Children’s Grief Center, is a board member for the New Mexico Soccer Foundation and coached youth soccer for 14 years. Maureen and her children started the “Dave Gives Back” campaign in 2021 to raise support and awareness for Search & Rescue after their family experienced the tragic loss of her husband and Kate, Ryan & Sara’s father, Dave, in the mountains of Colorado where they heavily relied on Search and Rescue. Maureen loves the foundation that Corrales has provided her family and believes strongly in “giving back” to your community. She joined Corrales MainStreet as a board member in 2020 and chaired the first annual Holly Daze online auction in conjunction with the Corrales Arts Center.

  • Elderly woman smiling in beige blouse with scarf

    Linda Parker


    The common theme throughout Linda’s professional career has been sales in some format, whether it was a clothing buyer for a major department store, director of development for the New Mexico Museum of Natural History, a shareholder in an actuarial firm or owning two employee benefit firms. Currently her remaining benefit firm, Cafeteria Plan Company located on Corrales Road, is run by her daughter-in-law which affords Linda time for her passion for volunteerism. This passion has provided her opportunities to serve on non-profit boards such Anderson School of Management Foundation, NM Museum of Natural History Foundation, Albuquerque Community Foundation, Small Business Council of America, Corrales MainStreet (treasurer), and lastly co-founder of the Parker Center for Family Business, an affiliate of ASM at UNM. PCFB offers family owned businesses educational opportunities to propel their operations to a more financial and emotional level of success, which runs parallel with Linda’s reason for joining CMS, which is to help our citizens continue our historical heritages and sustain our tax base revenue to protect our chosen lifestyle in our bucolic Village.

  • Woman in blue denim shirt with turquoise necklace and earrings

    Valerie Burkett


    Valerie Burkett is a third generation New Mexican with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of New Mexico. Valerie is an Associate Broker with Q Realty and has been practicing real estate for over 13 years. She settled here in the Village of Corrales over 8 years ago with her husband Zachary Burkett and three kids, Ella, Coen, and Avery. She moved to Corrales to offer her family a better quality of life. The sense of community, vibrant arts and culture, and rural living are what attracted Valerie to Corrales. She and her husband have been serving the Village of Corrales in various ways from her husband serving as District 6 Village Councilman, to serving on Corrales Elementary’s PTA board, leadership roles within the Village Cub Scout Pack, volunteering at community events, and now Valerie’s position on the Corrales MainStreet Board. “I am proud to call Corrales my home and volunteer on the Corrales MainStreet board with so many talented people who all share a common goal to help our community thrive.”

  • Elderly woman with curly hair wearing a turquoise dress and decorative necklace, smiling at the camera.

    Lynn Martinez


    Lynn is a Navy brat. Her dad moved her family here in 1960. She pretty much considers herself a native. Lynn attended Sandia High School and University of New Mexico receiving a BA in journalism and political science. She is a rabid Lobo fan! Lynn has been a licensed real estate broker for 43 years and is an Associate Broker for Coldwell Banker Legacy specializing in residential real estate. She enjoys helping people with life's challenging transitions. Being a trusted advisor to her clients requires her to be a financial advisor, social worker and often a family therapist. Lynn has been a member of the Kiwanis Club of Corrales since 2007. She has served as a board member and is currently Chair of the Charitable Review Committee for Foundation Grants and Chair for Greeters & Thought for the Day. She became a Board Member of Corrales MainStreet in 2019 and sits on the Economic Vitality committee and is the Co-Chair for Starry Night; which she has been involved with since 2015. She and her husband have lived in Corrales since 1995. He passed away in 2020 and she has no desire to be anywhere else but here where she has many friends and enjoys our small town feel. Lynn believes Corrales is truly an “oasis in the middle of the urban sprawl.” Locally, Lynn is also a supporter of the Corrales Arts Center, Music in Corrales, Corrales Police, Corrales Fire Department and various committees. She is also a supporter of the UNM Lobo Club, UNM Foundation, St. Felix Pantry, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Joy Junction, Habitat for Humanity, KNME PBS, Roadrunner Food Bank & the MD Anderson Cancer Center. Her desire is to make a positive difference in her community.

  • Smiling woman wearing a coral cardigan and black top with beaded necklace, posing against a textured gray background.

    Bernadette Miera


    Bernadette Miera is a 13th generation New Mexican (yes, you read right—her family dates back to the 1600s in NM). Miera earned her master’s degree in Community & Regional Planning from the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of New Mexico in July 2002. She operated a planning/facilitation consulting company as well as a legal research/courier business. Ms. Miera has experience in community planning and development, visioning processes, asset mapping, research, facilitation and mediation, strategic planning and visioning processes. In addition to Corrales MainStreet, Bernadette is actively involved in the community as a board member of a couple of other nonprofit boards advocating for access to educational and entrepreneurial opportunities and providing services for New Mexico residents most in need. She moved to the Village of Corrales in 2019 and is enjoying retirement.

  • Man with beard in suit jacket and blue shirt smiling against neutral background.

    Evan Long


    Evan Long was born and raised in Santa Fe, New Mexico later relocating to Albuquerque where he attended the University of New Mexico and received his Bachelors of Business Administration in Marketing from the Anderson School of Management. He Joined the financial industry thereafter in 2013, and is currently a Wealth Advisor for the Horizon Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley. He and his family relocated to Corrales in 2022 and enjoy volunteering and being a part of community events. He enjoys snowmobiling, getting outdoors, traveling and spending time with family.

  • Smiling man with beard and mustache in checkered shirt against gray background.

    Scott Parker


  • Smiling woman in green top with short brown hair, wearing a necklace, against a neutral background.

    Sandy Rasmussen


    I moved to Corrales in 2005 and told my neighbor that I wanted to get involved in the community. Corrales MainStreet is in my blood…I was the past Executive Director and now serve on the Board and chair the Arts & Cultural Committee. My other involvements are in Kiwanis (as chair of the Harvest Festival Art Show and more), the Corrales Arts Center Board and serve on the FACE (Friends of Art, Community and Education) Board. I can’t draw a stick person, but feel as though art is one of the vital components in the culture of Corrales, for both young and old alike. It takes all of us to make this the great community, and we are so lucky to be a part of. So find that thing that excites you, and get involved too!

  • Ashley King


Our village is full of talent and exceptional services.

We would like to thank Beth Waldron-Yuhas for taking these headshots of our team. She is a local photographer, artist, resident and Vice President of The Corrales Society of Artists. She owns a studio on Corrales Rd in the blue Portal building, where you can purchase art that inspired by local nature, or schedule photo sessions for you, your team or family! https://www.bethwaldronstudios.com/

Beth Waldron Studios logo with stylized teal wings and "bw" initials