Want to start a business in Corrales, NM?
Corrales Is Open For Business!
Get Started
Before getting started, set up a meeting with Planning and Zoning administrator Laurie Stout via email: lstout@corrales-nm.org
or call (505)-897-0502, ext. 219
*Keep in mind that the commercial district in Corrales is a “mixed-use zone”. Residences are located in close proximity to commercial properties. Please visit the Village of Corrales website to review ordinances for property development, noise and lighting. Corrales is a community that supports local business, while maintaining its rural character, where we value respect for our neighbors. Be mindful when considering parking, noise and activities that may impact those living close-by.
Commercially Zoned Business:
Set up meeting with Laurie Stout via email: lstout@corrales-nm.org
Major changes to existing retail space, parking or additions to buildings generally require Site Development Plan Application (18-45 (b) of Village Code).
Applicant and Design team should meet with P&Z Administrator prior to creating drawings
Site Development Plans to go before the P&Z Commission. Next Steps include:
Corrales Building Official to oversee any necessary building permits and inspections and change of occupancy status.
Fire Inspection
Final Zoning review by the P&Z department to ensure development follows approved plans
Final Step: Business License to be issued by Village Clerk’s Office
*If a business wishes to sell or serve alcohol, that application goes before the State Regulation and Licensing, Alcohol Division. Then, there is a separate hearing before the Village Council on that specific alcohol request.
Home Occupation Business:
To start a new business in a residential zoned area, the Home Occupation application applies.
Consult with the Planning & Zoning department to determine if approval will need to go before the Planning & Zoning Commission during a public meeting.
Home Occupations may require a Fire inspection, especially those that use equipment, client visits to the property etc.
Contact the Corrales Fire Department to determine if your business requires a fire inspection. Call 505-898-7501 to schedule an inspection. May take multiple weeks for a site inspection.
Corrales Road Commercial Area: Between Meadowlark and Old Church Road if up to 350 feet back from Corrales Road.
“If a lot were 500 feet “deep” away from Corrales Road, for instance, the last 150 feet would remain residentially zoned and business uses could not take place on that portion.”
There is also a Commercial area along Don Julio Road called the “NCOD” in the far northwest Sector.
To apply for a change in zoning, complete a “Zone Map Amendment” application whereby first the Planning and Zoning Commission and then the Governing Body can approve a zone change to Commercial.
Ordinances pertaining to each of the two types of Commercial areas can be found in Village Code Section 18-37. Corrales-nm.org, at the bottom of the home page Village Code”. Most information can be found in Chapter 18 Land Use.
To find applications: corrales-nm.org, then top right of home page “I’m Looking For”, then “Forms Directory”.
Short Term Rentals:
All short-term rental applications, whether in residential or a commercial zone, are heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission. There is a residential-specific application in “I’m Looking For”, then “Forms Directory”. Commercially zoned properties go through the Site Development Plan process.
To apply, you will need:
● Aerial view map of property
● Floorplan
● Valid Septic Permit
● Property owner contact information
● New Mexico CRS ID
Planning and Zoning Commission regular meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm. Village Council regular meetings are generally the second and fourth Tuesday evenings in a month. You can look for upcoming meetings by going to corrales-nm.org, then “I’m Looking For”, then “Agendas/ Minutes”. Meetings of these and other Village of Corrales Commissions and Boards are shown by date.