What is Corrales MainStreet?

Corrales MainStreet is a non-profit, 501(c)3 that exists to support community organizations, small business and residents.

MainStreet is not a political organization. We are a community service organization who advocates for our community to build connections and find solutions. We exist to facilitate projects proposed by our community with the goal to preserve the cultural flavor and quality of life in our Village. Our actions are driven to support and promote projects that benefit a wide range of individuals and groups seeking resources, funding or volunteers. Our goals in one statement: Develop and support community-based projects and strategies that support the Economic Vitality of the Village of Corrales, while preserving our traditions, way of life, historic and agricultural roots.

The Corrales MainStreet Board is comprised of citizens who live, work and volunteer in Village. Each member is passionate about giving their time and resources to the community they cherish, to ensure Corrales remains the vibrant, historical place we all love.

Our Mission:Incorporated in 1996 and accredited by New Mexico MainStreet, Corrales MainStreet is dedicated to preserving the historic heritage and traditions of our Village through enhancing the economic vitality of Corrales while honoring its rich cultural legacy. We serve the community by bringing awareness and increasing resident access to activities, convenience goods, professional services, restaurants, and retail, all within the context of our historic village. CMS supports the growth of the already existing creative economy by aiding creative entrepreneurs and businesses, expanding cultural offerings and activities, and promoting the unique combination of our community's historical and cultural assets. Our goal is to safeguard and celebrate the rich heritage and traditions of our village, ensuring that its historical essence remains vibrant for future generations. We are dedicated to preserving the unique character and historic landmarks that define our community, while fostering a deep respect for our cultural roots. Through community engagement and sustainable practices, we strive to protect the legacy of our past, enriching the lives of residents and visitors alike.

Our most frequently asked question: What is MainStreet? What does Corrales MainStreet do?

Corrales MainStreet is many things, so it can take some time to really understand what the goals and actions of this organization are. Here is a quick summary, but if you have any additional questions, we encourage you to reach out to us directly for more information. We are a program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department through New Mexico MainStreet. MainStreets’ goals align with affiliated local organizations to create an economically viable environment specific to each district’s individual needs, while preserving cultural and historic resources. Each local MainStreet is a reflection of it’s community, and our work is based on the community’s desired values and goals.

We use a community asset-based approach to economic development, building from the ground up to support existing local assets like small businesses, volunteer and non-profit organizations, community centers and resources, residents and our creative economy. We do this by connecting groups and individuals to resources that can support funding or technical assistance on proposed projects that align with these goals and values. We can offer awareness through marketing and promotional support for events, fundraisers and businesses. Corrales MainStreet’s work is unique to our community’s assets. A few notable assets in our Village are:

  • Food and agriculture

  • Visual arts

  • Literary, performing and musical arts

  • Outdoor recreation

  • Health and wellness

  • Community engagement

  • Heritage and history

  • And more! Our community is rich with unique businesses, volunteer groups and passionate citizens!

How does MainStreet benefit/support the community?

Corrales MainStreet meets regularly with local organizations to directly understand the needs and goals of each. This happens through approaching organizations who may align with opportunities we have been made aware of, or members of those groups reaching out to us. MainStreets develop because there exists a need to preserve something special in the places they serve, with the goal of keeping the community true to its cultural and historic roots. CMS aims to support and grow the Village’s existing assets with an effort to prevent rapid growth and change that does not reflect the character and wants of our small community.

Funding: We can help find funding sources for projects and organizations by awarding grants or finding additional grant opportunities. We can also aid in building and supporting local fundraisers.

Outreach: Our group is accessible to the community. While we are not always in the office (we are usually out at work in the community), we can be reached by phone, email or you can find many of our members at volunteer events. We often host Meet the Street events to inform the community about our local businesses and how we can support them. We also sit at Ex Novo every Friday at noon for a casual meet and greet lunch called “Lunch Bunch”. This casual lunch meeting is completely open to anyone in our community. It has no agenda, and is an opportunity for anyone to sit and have a conversation with some of our staff and board members. You can ask questions, see how we might be of service to you, or find out how to get involved in opportunities to volunteer in one of our village’s many organizations. You can find us attending and volunteering at local events like the Corrales Growers’ Market, Corrales art shows/events, ¡Viva Corrales!, parades and more!

Awareness: Need to get the word out about your business, services, non-profit organization, events or a project? We can help! We have access to printing and media services to promote things happening in the Village. We also host ribbon cuttings, public forums and other gatherings to help you spread the word about your work. We also support awareness by hosting or sponsoring events that educate our residents and visitors about what makes our Village so special. ¡Viva Corrales! is an example of an encompassing event that highlights a range of local, cultural activities/events that have existed through partnering organizations for years. In bringing these offerings together in one big celebration of Corrales, we can focus our efforts on assisting with a cohesive marketing effort to share these incredible celebrations with our residents and visitors. Many of us don’t know about all of the great things that are happening here. We want to help get the word out to our community!

Connections: Our board has a number of members with different backgrounds, experiences and expertise. If we do not know someone to connect you to to help, we will assist you in finding someone! Much of our recent work has involved putting organizations who can “cross pollinate” in contact with one another. The arts community can work together with our equestrian community toward a common goal, and we make an overall bigger effort to educate our community that “The Arts” does not just include our visual artists. Our creative economy is much more expansive and includes a wide range of chefs, writers, trainers, brewers, roasters, musicians, performers, growers, gardeners, architects, designers and so much more!

Does MainStreet want to to build a large, regional multi-use performing arts center?

No. MainStreet does not build new buildings or decide what gets built or added to the Village. If a need is presented for a space by the community or The Village of Corrales, we can assist in finding the resources necessary to fund or get connected to technical assistance for a project. We are facilitators, not builders. We do not facilitate projects that are not proposed or adopted by our community.

What is Corrales MainStreet’s relationship to our local government?

As an accredited local MainStreet Program, CMS is required to partner with New Mexico MainStreet and the Village of Corrales through a Biennial Memorandum of Understanding, and to execute an annual service contract with the Village of Corrales. The contracted services must comply with New Mexico MainStreet and MainStreet America standards, and are intended to enhance the local economy and contribute to the quality of life for the citizens of Corrales.

Does CMS want to transform the commercial district into a downtown area?

While creating vibrant “downtown” economies is common goal for many MainStreets, this is not something our Village wants or has the capacity for. We are here to serve Corrales residents first by increasing awareness, participation and access to activities, convenience goods, professional services, restaurants, and retail that our Village has to offer. CMS also helps grow the creative economy by supporting existing creative entrepreneurs and businesses, increasing cultural offerings and activities, and promoting the unique combination of community assets.  We have so many incredible services, businesses and opportunities here! Many of our residents don’t know about all of the great things that are happening; we want to help these businesses and others reach those in the Village who can benefit from their services!

What are CMS’s requirements for accreditation?

Our organization meets annually to review our work and make sure it is aligned with 6 standards. Those standards are reviewed by New Mexico MainStreet for approval, then we are provided with recommendations and opportunities for improvement in our next year’s scope of work. A list of priorities and goals are accepted by NMMS to make sure our work contributes to those goals and priorities. The standards our organization must meet are listed below.

  • Broad-Based Community Commitment to Revitalization

  • Inclusive Leadership and Organizational Capacity

  • Diversified Funding and Sustainable Program Operations

  • Strategy-Driven Programming

  • Preservation-Based Economic Development

  • Demonstrated Impact and Results

What is an Arts and Cultural District?

New Mexico Arts & Cultural Districts promote the exceptional art and history of New Mexico in unique communities that create dynamic and economically vibrant districts. The Arts & Cultural Districts program was established by the Legislature in 2007 as a comprehensive economic development strategy designed to capitalize on the expanding creative economy.

State-Authorized Arts & Cultural Compounds and Institutions

There are often public cultural assets in a community that lie outside of an ACD District boundary but contribute to the cultural economy of the District. Or the cultural asset may serve as a destination in its own right but lacks the traditional amenities of a district for cultural and heritage tourists such as hotels, restaurants and/or cohesive grouping of businesses that comprise a central business district. Such Institutions and Cultural Compounds may apply for State Authorization as a Compound or an Institution. This includes our Old Church and Casa San Ysidro!

What are the benefits of becoming a State Authorized Arts and Cultural District?

State-authorized Arts & Cultural Districts receive incentives such as assistance with developing cultural plans and enhanced historic tax credits for the rehabilitation of historic structures within the district. Each partner offers specialized assistance to the districts.

Our village is an incredibly vibrant creative community. The “Arts” encompass more than visual arts, and our Village is rich with arts that can benefit from this designation. Arts that include: food and agriculture, history, health and wellness, tech and design, literary arts, performing arts, music and more!

CMS takes donations. What is this money used for?

CMS is your neighbors working with the Village of Corrales on significant planning of community improvement projects that enhance both our quality of life and the economic vitality of our existing businesses and cultural organizations. You may be familiar with community programs and events that MainStreet either leads or supports such as “¡Viva Corrales!”,"Corrales Garden Tour", “4th of July Parade, "Starry Night”, "Starlight Parade", “Meet the Street”, “First Sundays” or Intel’s Community GrantProgram. However, you may not be aware of new projects that are in the planning process with collaboration among Corrales MainStreet, the Village of Corrales and our Arts Partners. CMS is working with more than 20 Corrales organizations, artists, galleries and businesses to establish a State of New Mexico authorized Arts and Cultural District along Corrales Road and in the Historic Old San Ysidro Compound. Here are a few of the projects we’re currently facilitating and supporting:

●      Expanded multi-generational programming for families, adults and seniors in "Nichos de Corrales”, which are outdoor gathering spaces scattered throughout the Corrales business district for local residents to enjoy. Encouraging youth engagement in the history and culture of Corrales.

●      Enhanced Community Gardens and improvements to shared spaces such as the Storybook Garden on the South side of the Community Library in La Entrada Park;

●      Improved pedestrian, equestrian and cyclist safety access to Village amenities. Educating residents and visitors about the importance of slowing down and enjoying/respecting our historical, rural and agricultural community. Implementing a village “motto” created by CHAMP (Corrales Horse and Mule People) in promotional materials, websites and announcements.

  • Supporting Corrales cultural and non-profit organizations in marketing for their events, fundraisers and multi-generational activities.

  • Hosting fundraisers to promote and support organizations like the Corrales Historical Society, Corrales Society of Artists, Corrales Growers’ Market and more.

How can I get involved in CMS work?

There are a number of options for getting involved! If you are interested in working with our organization and making a positive impact in Corrales, reach out and let us know about your interest and experience. Our board is made up of local volunteers who meet regularly and carry out goals through committee work. If you don’t have the time or interest in volunteering on the board, but want to help in some way, consider asking to join one of our committees, or even just volunteering at an event or fundraiser! Our contact information is listed in the orange section below.