Starlight Parade | December 7
Happy Holidays from Corrales MainStreet!
This holiday season, a number of Village organizations and small businesses will bring you festive and family friendly events! Check in where you get your news to see what’s happening in the next couple weeks. Join us Saturday, December 7 at 5:30pm for the annual Starlight Parade and St. Nick’s Night! Want to participate in the parade? Click the button below to register your float or vehicle!

List of upcoming events
November 24 - Christmas de Caballos Parade 1pm
November 24 - Growers' Market Holiday Market 11am-1pm www.corralesgrowersmarket.com
November 30 - Small Business Saturday & Annual Tree Lighting at the Village Complex - SBS All day / Tree Lighting at 5:30pm www.visitcorrales.com
December 1 - First Sunday Art in the Village
December 6,7,8 - Winter Crafts Show at the Old Church 10am-4pm https://www.corraleshistory.org
December 7 - Star Light Parade & St Nick's Night celebration 5:30pm (cookie donations needed!!)
December 7 - Pay What You Please Trees & Ornament Painting by SVP at Sandia Bar 11am-2pm
December 8- Growers' Market Holiday Market 11am-1pm
December 8 - Wreath Making at the Village Refillery (Registration required for event)
December 10 - Las Posadas at The Old Church at 6pm https://www.corraleshistory.org
December 10 - Fancies Wine Dine and Find Gifts Shopping night 5-7pm
December 14 - !Celebramos! at Casa Perea
December 14 & 15 - Festival of the Nativities at The Old Church 9am-4pm
December 14 & 15 - "Let's Make Biscochitos & Tamales" classes at Mi Casita Home Decor (Registration required for event)
December 15 - Ornament Painting Event at Sage Valley Pottery www.sagevalleypottery.com
December 18 - Music in Corrales Concert (Sold Out but tickets may be available at the door) www.musicincorrales.org
December 22 - Growers' Market Holiday Market 11am-1pm www.corralesgrowersmarket.com
February 8 - FOCL Jewelry Sale (Donations accepted now through February)
Corrales Community Library Calendar visit: https://www.corrales-nm.org/calendar