Corrales Historical Society and Corrales Society of Artists are now accepting applications for the Annual Winter Craft Show

Winter Craft Show at the Old Church

Corrales Historical Society VAC once again partners with Corrales Society of Artists to bring this outstand-ing fine crafts event to Corrales and Historic Old San Ysidro Church. Again this year, a heated 30-foot by 60-foot tent on the church grounds will conveniently concentrate all vendors on the Old Church grounds.

Corrales Society of Artists members and past Winter Craft Show vendors are invited without review to apply for booth space in the show. Any new artist must provide three (3) photographic examples of their work (send digital examples to that is to be sold. To be juried into the show, each entrant must provide an application and fee.

Click below to download the application, then send your information to CHS and CSA.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Jenn Noel at or Carol Rigmark at 505-890-8879 / or visit and click on “Winter Craft Show.”